Thursday, January 13, 2011


Apparently, I am a very desirable women... until the mention at the fact that I have two children.

When the words "I'm a single mother" enter into the conversation, the prey of interest cowers away and looks at you from the image bubble in his mind with the instant idea that he would be strapped down from the first date onward. Like he thinks these kids would be his relationship. As if any time spent with this single mother would be spent taking care of children. The idea of having to pay the food bills and the hydro bills and all the added expenses (that are taken care of by kids real father in a decent percentage) and nothing else enters into the equation. Not the fact that the single mother is strong and independent, can get out of the house to go shopping or hiking or dating or anything, at anytime she wants to AND truly doesn't (and shouldn't) want him to have anything to do with her children until he and she are ready to enter that part of the story, if it even gets to that point. This could take months or even years!
It doesn't mean that you have to become a father figure overnight, it means that a woman and a man are interested in Each Other - nothing more.

Give a single parent a chance... it may be the only chance you have to take, to find love.



  1. The right man will want to be with you BECAUSE of all these things, and who your children have made you become. Trust me, they are out there, I am proof. Unfortunately, they are the minority. Fortunately, they are well worth the wait!

  2. Awweee...shucks!!! I hope it's not that cute EMS guy that's being cowardly like that!! But Danielle is right, if a guy has that kind of mentality, you really don't wanna have to deal with someone like that. Just hang in there girl and a better man will come along! :)


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