Today is January 6th, 2011.
I've done something new for the new year - I've made my 2011 resolution! I have made resolutions in the past, you know, the typical "go to the gym", "eat healthier", "save money", but none of these have panned out. This year, I'm going to give a shot at being a much more confident person. So what do you think? Is this an attainable resolution? Of course it is!!! Who's in on it with me?
I've come to realize that I am a worrier. This isn't a new revelation but it is one that I wish to conquer! So if anyone out there can suggest how to shut off an over active brain in a civilized and creative way, please do. I have been reading books on cognitive behaviour and so far I'm not to impressed with the results or the excitement of the book for that matter. I imagine there are better books then the one I'm reading but I can't keep spending money on something that is only going to end up at the back of my closet under a forgotten pair of pants. The internet has been pretty helpful. So, maybe it's time to buy one of those e-readers. Too bad they cost so much.
Donations will be accepted in person - cash only :)
I received a letter from my oldest sons teacher today stating that he has surpassed the expected level of reading ability for his age and they have skipped him up 2 levels! My kids a genius! I'm allowed to say that. I'm his mother, so he's obviously going to be a genius, duh!
Maybe I should back off a little on the cognitive behaviour practices.
Well ladies and gents, I hope you've all started your new year off in a positive way and I wish you the best to a happy start!
Lulu J
You're too cute!!!!